Wednesday, December 7, 2016

This Blogging Thing - December 7, 2016

I wanted to get more in touch with my thoughts. 

No scratch that, i wanted to write down my thoughts to give people a look at what crosses my mind day to day, or maybe, what I go through. Idk. I'm just here lol. 

As it stands now it is Wednesday December 7th and it's four in the morning... I know what you're thinking. What is she doing up? Well to be quite honest writing and college have my sleep schedule all messed up but it's okay I've gotten used to it, so I don't even care anymore. I was always a night owl anyways, writing and college just gave me more of a reason to stay up.
This is actually not as bad as I thought it would be, it's like writing but like writing about myself, technically lol. Okay let me stop.
Any who, that is all.


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